
"Through his parables [Jesus] invites people to feast of the kingdom, but he also asks for a radical choice: to gain the kingdom, one must give everything. Words are not enough; deeds are required. Christ's disciples are to conform themselves to him until he is formed in them."

- Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 546, 562

At St. Thomas the Apostle, we foster stewardship as a way of life. Start sharing in our mission through prayer for guidance from God, because all of our gifts are meant to serve God's purpose in building up the Kingdom. "Stewardship is what I do after I say I believe."

Contact the parish office to become involved by sharing your gifts of time and talent and by sharing your blessings through sacrificial giving (treasure). Every person can make a difference. You can volunteer online anytime: just click on this link to Get Involved

Stewardship Prayer Volunteer Sacrificial Giving

Amigos for Christ

St. Thomas Trip 2025

 St. Thomas supports the non-profit Amigos for Christ, an organization working on various projects to benefit the Nicaraguan people. 

Please check out their page - click below - to find out more information about what Amigos in Christ provides for the people of Nicaragua:

See what your tithing is doing in Nicaragua!

Below is the latest video from our Amigos in Christ representative.

Your contributions to St. Thomas have directly impacted the village of La Palma Lourdes. They now have clean drinking water!

Amigos for Christ Website

The Community of El Pedregal now has clean drinking water due to your contributions. 

They are also working on building sanitation in the form of modern bathrooms. 

Please watch the video below about the community of El Pedregal. 

The Village of El Chaparral is working on building a running water system to distribute water to the people living in the area.

Amigos for Christ sang this prayer song for the parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle. 

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