Adult Faith Formation

Opportunities for St. Thomas Adults to deepen their Faith

Bible Study

Bible Study – Wednesday Evenings at 7 pm - contact Church office for more information

Bible Study – Tuesday Mornings at 9:45 am - contact Church office for more information

Faith Sharing-Adult Small Groups

Strengthen and enrich your faith by sharing it with others. Father Steve invites us to join a Small Faith Sharing Group today! 

Faith sharing groups are small (6-9 adult) people who meet weekly to discuss their faith and how it pertains to their daily lives. 

We will be using the Gospel reading for the upcoming weekend Mass, along with the reflection questions that are located in the weekly bulletin. 

We will meet once a week for 90 minutes for six weeks at a time. The location will be either at the host's home or at St. Thomas.

Adult Faith Sharing Small Groups Page


For more information and to register for a group, or contact OCIA Director

Mindy Sadler

406-656-5800 ext 303


Growing Your Faith: One Click Away

  • Too Busy for a weekly bible study?
  • Have a challenging schedule?
  • Wanting more from your faith but unable to fit opportunities into your schedule?

You are not alone. Living in our society these days means being increasingly busy, over-extended, and disjointed from what matters most: God, family & faith. To that end, our parish wants to provide you with a faith formation opportunity that comes to your own home, on your schedule for you and your loved ones to grow in the Catholic faith.

  • 24/7 access to the truth, beauty, and meaning of the Catholic Faith anytime, anywhere.
  • Use it on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Informative and inspiring teaching from renowned speakers Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Edward Sri, Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Tim Gray, Father Michael Gaitley, Teresa Tomeo… and many more.
  • Multiple programs to address different formation/study/prayer goals:
  • Adult Faith Formation, Marriage Enrichment, Scripture Study, Exploring the Sacraments, Small Group Discipleship Studies, and much more!

To access the free content paid for by the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, please visit the Formed website.

1. Click the FORMED picture above

2. Click on the "Sign Up as a Parishioner" tab.

3. Search for St. Thomas the Apostle, Billings, MT. Address is 2055 Woody Drive, Billings, MT.

4. Enter your name and email address. 

5. You will then have access to the content on FORMED.

IMPORTANT: Do not sign up as an individual. Our parish organization provides more content than an individual subscription.

If you have any questions please contact the church office at 406-656-5800

"God 'desires all... to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth': that is, of Christ Jesus. Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth: God graciously arranged that the things he had once revealed for the salvation of all peoples should remain in their entirety, throughout the ages, and be transmitted to all generations." - Catechism of the Catholic Church no. 74

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