Deliver food items donated from first Sunday weekend
to Billings Food Bank.
Leann Plant 406-656-5800 ext 305
Barb Lawson 406-656-1385
Bob Marler 406-839-5239
April Miller
Volunteers help to pack baskets for families in need for Easter and Christmas. This landmark ministry of the parish supports families who are recommended via the elementary schools in Billings and serves hundreds of people during the most challenging times of the year. A variety of volunteer opportunies are available.
Family Promise prevents and ends homelessness for families with children and helps them achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. Family Promise delivers innovative solutions for family homelessness including prevention, shelter, and stabilization services. There are many ways to volunteer at St. Thomas: meal-makers, evening hosts to help with homework, read stories, do crafts, etc., and overnight hosts are all needed 6 times throughout the year. For more information or to become a volunteer, contact Theresa Slyngstad at 716-725-9983 or email her at
Leann Plant coordinates the volunteers for the Homebound and Facility Ministry.
Volunteers extend the Eucharistic celebration to those unable to join us for Mass.
They share prayer and Holy Communion with 1 or more homebound persons regularly. Commitment will vary, but is typically 2 hours per month, after initial training.
Contact Leann Plant (Outreach Coordinator) at 406-656-5800 ext 305 with questions or volunteer interest.
You may request a home visit online or volunteer for outreach ministry online below.
Leann Plant helps coordinate the volunteers who visit parish members at both hospitals in Billings.
Norma Egge 406-698-8448
Knit and crochet prayer shawls for the sick, for infant baptisms, and for catechumens and candidates in RCIA.
The Bereavement Ministry gathers once a month to pray for parisioners who have died. They write sympathy cards and commit to calling the family to extend compassion and check if there are any needs. Time commitment is 2-3 hours a month. Call the Church office for more information 406-656-5800, or Leann Plant at 406-656-5800, ext 305.
The Grief Support Group is for those who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. Groups meet for 6 weeks in the spring and in the fall.
Cathy Downey, Vern & Karen Petermann are in charge of the group. Call the parish office 406-656-5800 for more information, or Leann Plant at 406-656-5800, ext 305
2055 Woody Drive
Billings, MT 59102
Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 12 pm
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