Religious Education Registration

PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY - including all phone numbers and emails. Thank you.

Contact Us

We use FLOCK NOTE for our main communication tool. You will receive emails from St. Thomas that read "mail @". This is not junk mail and it is important you read it to be informed what is going on in our Religious Education program as well as parish.

It is important that we have BOTH the Father's and Mother's email addresses. Thank you.

If parents are divorced and you would like both parents to receive updates, please fill in the other parent's information below. Thank you.

Whom may we call in case of an emergency and; parents cannot be reached at the above phone numbers?

Please note this should not be one of the parent's numbers.

Student Information

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above named minor(s). I agree on behalf of myself, my child(ren) named herein, or our heirs, successors and assigns, to hold harmless and defend St. Thomas the Apostle, its teachers, DRE, employees and agents, and the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, its employees, agents, chaperons, or representatives associated with Religious Education, from any claim arising from or in connection with my child(ren) attending Religious Education or in connection therewith, and I agree to compensate St. Thomas the Apostle, its teachers, directors, and agents, and the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, its employees and agents and chaperons, or representatives associated with Religious Education for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses which may incur in any action brought against them as a result of such injury or damage, unless such claim arises from the negligence of St. Thomas the Apostle or the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FEES: Please note there is an additional charge for Sacramental Preparation.

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