It is for adults and children (over the age of seven or in the first grade) who wish to join the Roman Catholic Church.
Becoming a Catholic Christian is a process of personal transformation which opens us up to God and guides us on the path to being our best self. The journey is unique for everyone, but is always centered on experiences of worship, witness of the faith, community life, service, and prayer. No matter where your journey has taken you, God is with you and loves you--start learning how to respond to the perfect gift of God's love which has willed you into life, given you every blessing, helped you grow from every challenge, and has countless joys ahead for you to discover.
If you have not been previously baptized, your journey will focus on discovering life in Jesus Christ, learning how to pray, hearing the Word of God, worshiping with the Church and discerning how to live out an appropriate response to the God who is calling you by name. If you have been baptized in another Christian tradition, becoming a Catholic Christian serves as a invitation to deeper union with Christ and God's commissioned people, the Church; your journey will focus on enriching prayer practice, moving more deeply into the Gospel way of life, living in union with the people of God, and engaging fully in the sacramental life of the Church. If you were baptized in the Catholic Church but did not receive much formation in order to be fully initiated into life in Christ through the celebration of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, this opportunity is also for you.
We warmly welcome you, as it is our greatest purpose to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and walk together with you towards God's plan for the world. To that end, we strive to provide spiritual formation according to each person’s needs and in appreciation of each one's own unique Godliness. Your journey begins today! Come and see us and ask to visit with our Pastor, Fr. Steve, or an OCIA coordinator to begin exploring faith in Jesus Christ and experience the incredible support of the company of your brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church.
Please contact the church office for more information. You are always welcome and encouraged to attend Mass, especially on the weekends, and are welcome at all parish events (please browse our website and especially follow the parish bulletin). We look forward to getting to know you and sharing the life of Jesus Christ together.
2055 Woody Drive
Billings, MT 59102
Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 12 pm
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