"The Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society... [there are several] key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition... Life and dignity of the Human Person; Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Rights and Responsibilities; Option for the Poor and Vulnerable; the Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; Solidarity; Care for God's Creation" - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Bearing Witness to Peace
Lord God, we come to you in our need.
Create in us an awareness of the massive forces
that threaten our world today.
Give us a sense of urgency
to activate the forces of goodness, of justice, of love
and of peace.
Where there is armed conflict,
let us stretch our arms to our brothers and sisters.
Where there is abundance,
let there be simple lifestyle and sharing.
Where there is poverty,
let there be dignified living and constant striving
for just structures.
Where there are wounds of division,
let there be unity and wholeness.
Help us to be committed to the building of your kingdom.
Not seeking to be cared for,
but to care.
Not expecting to be served,
but to place ourselves in the service of others.
Not aspiring to be materially secure,
but to place our security in your love.
Teach us your spirit.
Only in loving imitation of you
can we discover the healing springs of life
that will bring new birth to our world.
—Catholic Relief Services (Philippines)
Catholics Confront Global Poverty Exerpts from The Faces of Global Poverty – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief
The Catholics Confront Global Poverty Initiative is inspired by Pope Benedict XVI’s 2009 World day of Peace Message: Fight Poverty to Build Peace. Our Holy Father declares: “Effective means to redress the marginalization of the world’s poor through globalization will only be found if people everywhere feel personally outraged by the injustices in the world and by the concomitant violations of human rights.”1 To fight poverty effectively we also need to know the many faces of poverty.
A Call To Action
What can we do? Catholics can confront global poverty! We can pray, support the important work of CRS, and advocate with public officials for policies and programs that help poor persons and communities to help themselves. Key elements of U.S. foreign policy should address the “many faces of poverty:”
In the short term:
Over the long term:
1 Pope Benedict XVI, World Day of Peace Message, January 1, 2009.
2 Pope Paul VI, world Day of Peace Message, January 1, 1972
3 Second Vatican Council, Gaudium it spes, 1965, no.26
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